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My description is : "I am one of those women who do not need to do much to get attention. My presence is calm, almost like a soft breeze that goes unnoticed until, unintentionally, it envelops you. My way of walking is natural, without pretensions, but there is something In my way of being that leaves a subtle mark. Something that highlights what I am, without excesses. XOOXXO
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I like: What I like most in a man is his authenticity, that ability to be himself without appearing. I am attracted to your safety, but also your sensitivity, that perfect mixture between strength and vulnerability. I value someone who knows how to listen, who is not afraid to share their thoughts and emotions, and who, above all, respect my space and independence.
I don't like: What I do not like in a man is falsehood, that need to show an image that is not real. I do not support arrogance or lack of respect, especially when it comes to manipulating or playing with feelings. I dislike indifference, that cold attitude that does not value the small things, much less the lack of commitment or sincerity in a relationship.
See on Porn Star Bot what DianaVishneva enjoys in her sex life. Live cumshows with squirting pussy. "I am one of those women who do not need to do much to get attention. My presence is calm, almost like a soft breeze that goes unnoticed until, unintentionally, it envelops you. My way of walking is natural, without pretensions, but there is something In my way of being that leaves a subtle mark. Something that highlights what I am, without excesses. XOOXXO.