Speak: English
My description is : I'm a mix of art and skateboarding, where every scratch on the board is like a stroke on a canvas. Active recreation for me is not just a hobby, but a way to breathe. I feel people at a distance: even a couple of lines in a chat room can tell more about me than their words. Cooking is my way of creating, and tattoos are a reflection of my inner world. Decency and kindness are my rules, but gentle conversations and 'cuteness' in dialogs are clearly not my theme. But relaxed conversations without unnecessary philosophy - always in favor!
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I like: people who know what they want and say it right away
I don't like: softness, weak aura, and a long, oppressive silence
See on Porn Star Bot what LilithFreaky enjoys in her sex life. Live cumshows with squirting pussy. I'm a mix of art and skateboarding, where every scratch on the board is like a stroke on a canvas. Active recreation for me is not just a hobby, but a way to breathe. I feel people at a distance: even a couple of lines in a chat room can tell more about me than their words. Cooking is my way of creating, and tattoos are a reflection of my inner world. Decency and kindness are my rules, but gentle conversations and 'cuteness' in dialogs are clearly not my theme. But relaxed conversations without unnecessary philosophy - always in favor!.